When it comes to software development, Developers and QA testers go hand in hand. The developer and QA relationship is one of the most important parts of an Engineering team. Developers are responsible for building a mobile app or website, while QA testers make sure that it’s functional and has great user experience. Software wouldn’t exist without developers, and it might not make it to market without QA.

Given that they work so closely together, many would think that hiring developers and QA from the same company would simplify the process. However, doing so can actually increase risk and cause unforeseen issues.


Hiring Developers and QAWhen you’re hiring developers and QA from the same software development company, the level of transparency tends to be lower. Why? Because each group is ultimately beholden to the company you’re hiring from.

For example, say that a developer notices that a QA tester is missing bugs or otherwise underperforming. The dev will be unlikely to come to the client with this information. After all, it’s a negative representation of the company they both work for. Similarly, a QA tester may have issues getting necessary information from a developer. However, they can’t communicate this to the client without making their company look bad.


QA ExpertIf you’re hiring freelance testers from a company that represents a myriad of different professions, their skill set and focus may not be evenly distributed. For example, you probably wouldn’t order a burrito at The Cheesecake Factory, even if it was on the menu. At software development staffing firms, QA tends to be left on the back burner, as more of their profits come from developers. Typically, the company will have less of an up-to-date and in-depth knowledge of all things QA.

When you hire directly from a company specializing in QA, you’re getting a higher level of expertise. When the company leadership itself is centered on QA, all of their policies, best practices, and standards will benefit you. You’ll also have a better chance of getting an Agile QA process that’s customized to your needs.


When we started Mindful QA, people asked us why we didn’t include developers. We knew lots of great devs we could have hired, so why not offer even more services?

While we know the software development life cycle inside and out, QA testing is the center of our experience and focus. We would rather be experts at the services we offer than have higher profits but compromised quality. We are in QA, after all!

To learn more about what we offer, see our QA testing services, or learn more about why we’re a top software testing company.