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What sets Mindful QA apart?
✓ No pressure to proceed. We don’t believe in forcing clients to keep our automated testing services any longer than you want to. While we’d love to work with you for years to come, if all you really need is a few months of automation framework setup, we have your back. We can give you a custom estimate for web and software test automation services, so you’ll never pay for more than you use. ✓ Stellar communication. We consider it a must for any good QA resource to be able to communicate with all kinds of folks — from project managers, developers, and designers to C-level executives and customer service representatives. We also emphasize using personalized communication styles that will be relevant to each role. A developer may need all the nitty gritty technical details in a bug report, but a project manager might just want a quick summary. ✓ Fast on-boarding. When you’re looking for a new tester, that usually means you need QA yesterday. While we don’t offer time travel services (yet!), when we join your project, we’re focused on getting up to speed from day one. After you walk us through your project details, we’ll provide you with a simple and straightforward list of all the information that we need to get rolling. Automated testing as a service doesn’t have to be complicated! ✓ Custom framework. Whether you want to automate tests on multiple browsers, native apps, different operating systems, validate databases, or any combination of the above, we can make it happen with a personalized framework that will fit your needs.
Need Automated Testing Services? Contact Us!
We’ll be happy to provide you with as much information as you’d like, regardless of whether you want to use our QA services. Find out more about what we bring to the table here, or contact us below. You can also call us at 310-272-5746.